Wednesday, March 10, 2010

John Mayer and Project Husband - It's all spiritual...

Last night was an amazing night.  It was a birthday party - a surprise for a friend and singer/songwriter, Daniel Crisler.  The trifecta of birthday girls (all born on Feb 9) - Cyndie, Elizabeth and myself - decided to surprise Daniel with a birthday concert - John Mayer.  It was an amazing show.  And, Michael Franti, the opener, was more than amazing.  He totally exceeded my expectations - I've never seen a performer more entrenched in the audience surrounding him.  Franti moved himself around the venue and ended up inches away from us at American Airlines Center.  The show was incredible.

Nonetheless, the main thing I took from the show was a question from my friend, Cyndie.  She asked me about Project Husband in a very sincere way.  She expressed genuine concern.   She could tell that I was feeling pressure, and she reminded me that I was on the quest for a husband and not a deadline.  I am so grateful for her.  She helped me remember that the prompting I had to start Project Husband was spiritual.  I felt it at my friend Amy's wedding - and it wasn't only about the wedding.  It was about finding a partner.  Cyndie reminded me of that today.  And, I asked her to be a bridesmaid!

After last night, I have continued to reflect on the spiritual element of Project Husband.  Just days after I had the idea, I was leading musical worship at church in Frisco (as I do every Sunday), and the message for the week was entirely relevant.  The message centered around taking risk and having faith.  The message was that God intends for each of us to live big.  And, we are surrounded with God's love and support.  Thus, we have everything we need to live our lives to the fullest potential - as long as we believe in ourselves, take risks and have faith.  Regardless of your religious beliefs, you can attain your dreams.  I believe we have dreams as a means to access our souls, our spirits and our potential.  When I listen to my heart, I know I can find my bliss.  When I listen to negativity, doubt, worry or fear, I'm held back, and my spirit is crushed.

Project Husband is a spiritual journey for me - I'm being tested - and I have faith that the journey is just beginning.  I believe that part of my purpose is to live my life with a partner - to become a better person with the love and support of a soulmate.

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